图的搜索 - webdancer's Blog
#include<stdlib.h> typedef struct {int u;int v;} edge; struct node{int v;struct node * next;}; struct graph{int nv;int ne;struct node ** adj;}; typedef struct graph * Graph; Graph init(int n){ Graph g=malloc(sizeof *g);// sizeof graph g->nv=n; g->ne=0; g->adj=malloc((sizeof *(g->adj))*n); int i; for(i=0;i<g->nv;i++) g->adj[i]=NULL; return g; } void insert(Graph g,edge e){ int u,v; u=e.u; v=e.v; struct node* unode=malloc(sizeof *unode); unode->v=v; unode->next=g->adj[u]; g->adj[u]=unode; struct node* vnode=malloc(sizeof *vnode); vnode->v=u; vnode->next=g->adj[v]; g->adj[v]=vnode; g->ne++; }
#include<stdlib.h> static int maxsize=0; static int front=0; static int rear=0; int * queue; int * initq(int max){ maxsize=max+1; queue=malloc(sizeof(int)*maxsize); front=rear=0; return queue; } int add(int * q,int v){ if((rear+1)%maxsize==front) return -1; rear=(rear+1)%maxsize; q[rear]=v; return v; } int delete(int *q){ if(front==rear) return -1; front=(front+1)%maxsize; return q[front]; } int isempty(){ return (front==rear)?1:0; }
#include<stdlib.h> #include<stdio.h> #include"graph.c" #include"queue.c" /*bfs,dfs algos. from "introduction to algos". */ #define MAXV 1000 #define BIG (MAXV+1) #define NUM 100 int color[MAXV]; int d[MAXV]; int p[MAXV]; int f[MAXV]; enum cl {WHITE,GRAY,BLACK}; int * q; int time; void bfs(Graph g,int s){ int i; for(i=0;i<g->ne;i++){ color[i]=WHITE; d[i]=-1; p[i]=-1; } color[s]=GRAY; d[s]=0; p[s]=-1; q=initq(NUM); add(q,s); while(!isempty()){ int u; u=delete(q); printf("%d u \n",u); struct node * vnode=g->adj[u]; while(vnode){ int v; v=vnode->v; if(color[v]==WHITE){ color[v]=GRAY; d[v]=d[u]+1; p[v]=u; add(q,v); } vnode=vnode->next; } color[u]=BLACK; } } void dfsv(Graph g,int u){ color[u]=GRAY; time++; d[u]=time; struct node * vnode; vnode=g->adj[u]; while(vnode){ int vv; vv=vnode->v; if(color[vv]==WHITE){ p[vv]=u; dfsv(g,vv); } vnode=vnode->next; } color[u]=BLACK; time++; f[u]=time; } void dfs(Graph g){ int i,v; v=g->nv; for(i=0;i<v;i++){ color[i]=WHITE; p[i]=-1; } time=0; for(i=0;i<v;i++){ if(color[i]==WHITE) dfsv(g,i); } } void printpath(Graph g,int s,int v){ if(v==s) printf("%d ",s); else if(p[v]==-1) printf("no path from s to v\n"); else { printpath(g,s,p[v]); printf("%d ",v); } } int main(){ Graph g; int n=5; g=init(n); edge e[7]; e[0].u=0;e[0].v=1; e[1].u=0;e[1].v=3; e[2].u=1;e[2].v=2; e[3].u=1;e[3].v=3; e[4].u=1;e[4].v=4; e[5].u=2;e[5].v=4; e[6].u=3;e[6].v=4; int i; for(i=0;i<7;i++) insert(g,e[i]); bfs(g,0); printpath(g,0,4); printf("\n"); dfs(g); printpath(g,0,4); printf("\n"); return 0; }
2022年8月17日 21:24
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