Scala--基本类型和操作 - webdancer's Blog


webdancer posted @ 2014年1月04日 21:33 in 编程语言 with tags scala , 2177 阅读

1.类型:Scala的基本类型与Java中的Primitive type对应起来,不过都是首字母大写的类,例如Byte,Short,Int,Long,Char,Float,Double,String,Boolean


val s='type


4.Scala给基本类型提供了Rich Wrapper,可以有更加丰富的方法。

PAN application stat 说:
2022年8月03日 06:59

Permanent Account Number is a 10 digit Alphanumeric combination which is issued by the Income Tax Department of India, and PAN card is issued to every individual of India who has crossed 18 years of age which allows them to use this card for any financial transaction further. PAN application status Any tax-related information and services for any individual or firm are collected in PAN card number, and this is a primary point of contact to look at any individual or firm transaction and record their current income tax graph, where a PAN card is only one card that is issued, and no duplicate will be issued for the same individual at any cost.

AP SSC Evs Question 说:
2022年9月10日 19:56

Advised to everyone can contact the class teacher to get important questions for all lessons and topics of EVS. Every Telugu Medium, English Medium and Urdu Medium student of the State Board can download the AP 10th Class EVS Model Paper 2023 Pdf with answers for term-1 & term-2 exams of SA-1, SA-2 and other exams of the board. AP SSC Evs Question Paper Environmental Education is one of the most important subjects and it’s a part of Science. School Education Department and various leading private school teaching staff have designed and suggested the practice question paper for all Part-A, Part-B, Part-C, and Part-D questions of SA-1, SA-2, FA-1, FA-2, FA-3, FA-4 and Assignments.

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