[转] Computer science: The learning machines - webdancer's Blog
[转] Computer science: The learning machines
posted @ 2014年1月09日 04:31
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Machine learning
, 2012 阅读
Using massive amounts of data to recognize photos and speech, deep-learning computers are taking a big step towards true artificial intelligence.
Three years ago, researchers at the secretive Google X lab in Mountain View, California, extracted some 10 million still images from YouTube videos and fed them into Google Brain — a network of 1,000 computers programmed to soak up the world much as a human toddler does. After three days looking for recurring patterns, Google Brain decided, all on its own, that there were certain repeating categories it could identify: human faces, human bodies and … cats1.
介绍了 Deep learning的最新 的一些 进展,简单的总结一下:
- Google Brain Project(10^6神经元,10^9连接)代表的Deep learning技术让神经网络复兴;
- Neural Networks(神经网络)模仿人脑的神经元连接,通过经验来更改连接的强度,模拟人类的学习;
- 神经网络可以用来识别图像,处理自然语言,语音识别,翻译语言等;
- 50s:手工提取特征,费事耗力;
- 80-90s:浅层网络“Neural nets were always a delicate art to manage. There is some black magic involved,”
- 2000s:计算能力的增强和数据的爆炸式增长;“For about US$100,000 in hardware, we can build an 11-billion-connection network, with 64 GPUs,”
- 现在 Deep Learning在 语音识别(25%), 图像 识别(ImageNet, 15%),下一步在NLP
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